How It Works
How to Work With Us
Working with us is easy. The information below provides you with everything you need to know about how the process works.
- If you are interested in our services, please contact us by email at, by phone at 830-367-1900, or by filling out the form on the Contact Us page. Be sure to let us know the type of service(s) you are interested in, the length of the job, and your desired turnaround time.
- Although the cost of most editing jobs can be determined by referring to our Rates and Services page, we are happy to provide free, no-obligation estimates/quotes if you email us your work in Microsoft Word format. Please do not send plain text, text pasted into emails, or other file types; our electronic editing services are done only in Microsoft Word.
- We complete an electronic editing agreement/contract with all new clients and for all longer jobs; the contract outlines all job details, including services, payment, and timeframe, and includes a confidentiality statement. All completed contracts must be returned and initial payment received before work will begin.
- We use Word's track changes feature to perform all editing, writing, and formatting. This feature allows you to review our suggested changes and accept or reject them. We also use this feature to make comments/suggestions. If you are not familiar with track changes, please let use know, and we'll explain how it works. We are also happy to provide a clean copy of your file, with all changes accepted and comments removed, by request.
- On or before the agreed-upon deadline, we will return your work to you, along with an invoice for full or final payment. The invoice will include the amount due and instructions on how to make payment. Payment is due within five business days of the return of the completed job.
- Once you receive your completed project and invoice, payment can be made by personal check, money order, or PayPal. PayPal allows you to make secure payment via bank transfer or credit card. For business clients, we are happy to complete a W-9 form or any other necessary paperwork in order to have payment processed through your company.
Additional Info
Following are a few other important details about working with us:
- We are happy to provide sample work upon request.
- We promise to maintain complete confidentiality regarding our clients. We will not discuss your job with anyone but you, and we will never sell or release your name and information to an outside source. Exceptions: (1) In the event of non-payment, Always Write reserves the right to share/use client information, as necessary, in the attempt to collect outstanding payment. (2) Some doctoral programs require that we communicate with the committee chair regarding thesis/dissertation editing and formatting.
- We provide editing and writing services of academic-related work for graduate-level students only. No undergraduate academic work is accepted.
- Although we guarantee that our services will be professional and our changes will improve your work, we cannot and do not guarantee specific results, such as publication of work. We are confident that our services will assist you in the pursuit of your goals, but because end results may be based on additional factors beyond those with which we are helping you, we cannot guarantee that our assistance alone will automatically allow you to achieve your desired results.
- Our expertise is in the field of English, specifically as it relates to the mechanics and stylistic aspects of writing. We are not experts in the myriad of scholarly disciplines for which we frequently edit peer-review manuscripts. We consider ourselves well-rounded, informed individuals and can often make content-related suggestions to clarify a client's intended meaning, but ultimately, we respect a client's work as his or her own and strive to polish that work. Clients who feel unsure about the veracity and structure of their argument and how it contributes to their specific field may want to seek counsel from a respected peer within their discipline prior to seeking editing assistance.
- Clients are solely responsible for the accuracy of their content. We do not verify facts, claims, or data and hold no responsibility for inaccuracies or falsehoods put forth by a client. In addition, clients are solely responsible for ensuring that their work is not plagiarized and does not violate any copyright laws. In most instances, we have no way of knowing if clients have copied (plagiarized) copyrighted materials and accept no responsibility if this occurs. We do have extensive knowledge regarding the subject of plagiarism, however, and are happy to advise clients on this topic, if requested.
- We reserve the right to require partial or full payment up front, depending on the length of the job or in the event that previous problems with timely payments have occurred. We typically require half payment up front when working with a new client for the first time. For lengthier jobs (those over 75 pages or those whose process continues over a period of two weeks or longer), payment may be required in more than one installment. This will be discussed on an individual basis with the client before any work begins.
- A minimum charge of $20 per job is required.
- Our rush delivery rate is $50/hr. Rush jobs are typically those requiring immediate (same-day) turnaround or work outside of our regular business hours. However, rush delivery status may vary depending on the length of the job. Rush delivery may not be available for longer jobs or on days that are already overbooked.
- A $40 late fee will be assessed on past-due payments of 30 days; an additional late fee of $40 will be added each subsequent 30 days until payment is received in full.
- We reserve the right to refuse service based on offensive, objectionable material or previous payment problems. We are a Christian business and choose not to work on blatantly offensive, anti-Christian, or dishonest/misleading materials.